Pizza at Home
Special Equipment:
Kitchen scale
Pizza stone or steel (depending on cooking method)
Pizza peel (depending on cooking method)
Makes four 10-inch pizzas
200 grams Raising Oxen Pizza Flour Blend
300 grams all-purpose or bread flour
350 grams water
100 grams sourdough starter (or 1.5 grams instant yeast)
12.5 grams salt
In a large bowl add water and sourdough starter (or yeast). Add flours and salt and mix by hand until a shaggy dough is formed. Cover the bowl with a tight-fitting lid.
At this point, you can go one of two ways. If the weather is cool you can just leave the dough untouched to ferment for about 8 hours before dividing and shaping. If I’m using this method, I’ll mix the dough after dinner the night before, allow it to ferment overnight, and then divide and shape in the morning.
You could also stretch and fold the dough every 30 minutes for the next three hours if you have the time. I’ll opt for this method if I have time during the day or if the weather is warm and I’m worried about the dough overproofing and losing strength as a result.
Regardless of which method you choose watch for the dough to double in volume during this period, known as the bulk fermentation. As you stretch the dough it will feel smoother and airy meaning the yeast have created a good amount of carbon dioxide to puff up the dough.
Gently pull the dough out of your bowl or container and onto a lightly floured cutting board or work surface and divide it into 4 equal pieces. Lightly dust the tops with flour and cup each piece with your hands and make a circular motion on your counter or cutting board until you have 4 balls with taut outer skins. Place the dough balls in a container that's liberally dusted with rice flour and cover before putting in the fridge to finish proofing. At this point, the dough can stay in the fridge for up to 8 hours.
Remove dough 30 minutes before you plan to cook to allow it to come back to room temperature.
Stretch the 4 dough balls into 10-inch rounds, pile on the toppings and cook using whatever your preferred method is: pizza stone in the oven, large cast iron pan in the oven, on the grill, or in a dedicated pizza oven.
Chow down and don't throw away the crusts.